3 Ways Top GTM Organizations Use AI for B2B Sales

3 Ways Top GTM Organizations Use AI for B2B Sales

Here are three different approaches we’re seeing right now, and which we’re doubling down on at Aomni.

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Building in the trenches of AI sales tech gives us at Aomni the opportunity to see firsthand how AI is reshaping our industry. Here are three different approaches we’re seeing right now that we predict will hold for the next 5 years:

1. Co-Pilots: The "AI lite" Version

Human sellers use AI to supercharge their efforts, but we still have flesh-and-blood folks doing the core jobs: SDR, AE, CSM, RevOps, Management. This is a good way for companies to dip their toes in the water and start their path to be an AI first org.
Market Outlook:
  • Biggest short-term business opportunity
  • Maps directly to current sales workflows
  • Minimal retooling required on the customer side
  • Likely winners: Incumbents with existing distribution and workflow coverage

2. Full Automation aka AI SDRs: aka Rise of the Machines

We're talking fully automated workflows, 95% controlled by AI, with 5% human oversight. Currently focused on top-of-funnel (BDRs and SDRs), but could potentially cover AEs, CSMs, RevOps, etc.
We'd go from 6 million salespeople to 60,000 "GTM Engineers".
Market Outlook:
  • Gaining significant traction (e.g., Artisan, Clay, Qualified)
  • Challenge: Operates in an extremely competitive space with easily swappable products
  • Difficult to build lasting business with strong moats
  • Likely winners: Individual agencies and "GTM engineers" who can arbitrage the new technology

3. AI Top-of-Funnel, Human Bottom-of-Funnel: The Hybrid Approach

AI handles the top of the funnel (demand gen, inbound, and outbound). Humans take control for deal closure: discovery, demos, negotiations, expansions, renewals. Sales force may shrink from 6 million to 1-2 million, but remaining reps would double their income.
Market Outlook:
  • Currently under-explored, potentially the most interesting opportunity
  • Leverages AI for attention-grabbing, humans for trust-building
  • Balances automation needs with crucial relationship-building aspects

Why This Matters

At Aomni we're betting on the 3rd approach as the biggest opportunity. The majority of B2B revenue is in enterprise sales, which is all about relationships, and that's not going away as long as humans run corporations.
In a typical enterprise pipeline:
  • First half: Getting buyer's attention (ideal for AI automation)
  • Second half: Establishing trust (requires human touch with AI support)
Using AI automation and human efforts strategically will be the key to cracking this puzzle. Those who can master this balance will not only survive but thrive in the new AI-driven sales landscape.
The bottom line? We're in for major shifts in sales strategies. The smart money's on leveraging AI effectively while maintaining that crucial human touch where it matters most.
It's not about replacing humans entirely - it's about augmenting our capabilities and focusing our efforts where we add the most value.

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